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  • Writer's pictureAshley Worsham

How To Layer Your Skincare

So you have all your skincare products lined up in front of you, but how do you know which goes first? It can be confusing and daunting when you have your whole counter full of products and don’t know where to start to make sure you’re getting the most out of your products. There are also ingredients that you shouldn’t mix together because they will deactivate each other, like benzoyl peroxide and retinol.

There are always exceptions but the general rule of thumb is to apply thinnest to thickest consistency.

We want to make sure that the most important ingredients can absorb into the skin and have the thicker products lock and seal in those ingredients and moisture. A few years ago I did the exact opposite of this, face oil on first and then everything else in no particular order.

My am & pm Routine

The am routine should be all about protection — protection from the sun, dehydration, and pollutants. Our skin should be pretty clean from the cleanse the night before and we should be focused on adding serums, antioxidants, hydration, and sun protection.

For the pm routine, the focus should be on a very thorough cleanse, removing the grime, sweat, makeup, and dirt from the day, and an infusion of active ingredients overnight. Nighttime is a great window to allow the skin to heal, repair, and work with some of the treatments that you can’t wear during the day (aka retinoids, retinols).

Here are examples of my routines:

Morning Routine:

Nighttime Routine:


Do you deviate from the “thinnest to thickest” rule? Comment below.

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