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  • Writer's pictureAshley Worsham

How to improve your skin during COVID-19

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

Create a skincare routine that works for you.

Since we have more time on our hands now, create a routine that is easy and simple enough to stick to. Start with the essentials and then add more if it’s needed or if there are other skin concerns that need to be addressed. If you’re not sure where to start with building a routine, you can check out my post on the basics and how to layer your products.

If you already have a skincare routine, stick to it.

Now is the time to build consistency. Make the time to properly cleanse, hydrate, and protect your skin. Consistency will bring results and now we have the time to do it every morning and night. Think of it as using your commute time to get ready and wind down at the end of the day.

Start a retinol or retinoid.

With many of us spending most of our time indoors because of COVID-19, now is a great time to start using a retinol or retinoid. Ultraviolet light deactivates retinoic acid, the active ingredient inside retinoids and retinols, and since you’re exposed to less sunlight right now, you have less risk of overexposing your newly exfoliated skin to the sun. If you’re new to Vitamin A, check out my first time retinoid user skincare routine.

If you can’t get to a dermatologist right now, there are services like HeyDoctor, Dear Brightly, and Curology that offer prescription retinoid formulations online, or you can order over the counter retinols from stores like Walgreens and Sephora.

Here are a few over the counter retinols I recommend:

Moisturize. Masks. Massage.

If you’re like me, I always say I want to do a mask and then make up the excuse that I don’t have time to do it. Well, now we have the time to pamper our skin. Spring may not be going how we expected, but taking extra care of your skin can be an exercise for your mental health as well. Take some time to put on a mask, get in a routine, massage your face with a gua sha, whatever you think your skin needs. You deserve it.

Let your skin breathe.

I love makeup. I like trying out new looks and new products but my long term goal is to have good enough skin to not feel like I need to wear any face makeup. Eye makeup I’ll probably always wear because it’s fun and I look twelve if I don’t. 😪 But since most of us are on video calls at work, now is a great time to skimp on the heavy makeup, and go through our drawers and throw out anything that’s comedogenic, old, or pore-clogging. Let your skin breathe.

I hope some of these tips are helpful and that we can all move into the summer with glowy, healthy skin.


What are some of the things that you’re adding to or taking out of your skincare routine right now?

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Apr 02, 2020

Ashley, my niece, has always had similar skin issues. When she had her baby, he became super colicky after about two weeks. Her doctor recommended she leave out dairy to see if that helped. Not only did that cure the colic, her skin now looks amazing, and she swears she feels better.

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